Welcome to the Riverside High School 2010-2011 school year! I, Mel Roseburg, will be your new principal this year, we're gonna kick off the year with new systems to keep your school year successful and your future successful.
Here are some ground rules:
1. Do not bully people by sexual abusing, confiscating money, and even fighting. Administrative consequences will be in order.
2. Disobeying teachers' rules will be resulted in a detention or a referral.
3. Electronics are not allowed during class. They include iPods, iPads, iPhones, PDAs, cellphones, internet devices, laptops, PSPs, DSi gaming systems, portable devices that aren't mentioned, and cameras. You may only use them outside of class.
4. If any other rules teachers make, they also count as a rule, if necessary.
Cafeteria menu will be posted here every week.
This week's cafeteria menu:
Monday Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
Nachos and Chinese Food Chicken Nuggets Burritos Taco Friday
Pepperoni/Cheese |
I hope you have a good school year, and remember, you will have to behave real well this year.
Fighting leads to ISS, if injuries occur, it will cause 5 days OSS.
OSS is out-of-school suspension.
ISS is in-school-suspension.
Your principal,
Mel Roseburg